Gradient Menubar
Create a simple clean menu bar using basic gradients and lines...

Create a new rounded rectangle and fill it with your desired colour, I used R:138 G:92 B:206.
Next go to Layer > Layer style > Bevel and emboss, match the settings as follows: Highlight - Mode Screen, Opacity 79, Shadow - Mode Multiply, Opacity 59, Style Inner Bevel, Angle 120, Depth 4, Blur 0. Now hold CTRL and click on "layer 1" to select the shape.

Create a new shape layer slightly smaller than the first one. Now using the colour R:101 G:34 B:200 as your foreground colour and black as your background colour, use the GRADIENT tool (foreground to background), add a gradient from the top of the bar to the bottom of your shape. You should get something like what I have opposite.

Now to create those inset lines,press D then X to reset the colours now using the square shape tool create a new shape and draw a horizontal white line from top to bottom (hold shift to make sure it goes Straight). Now set that layer blend mode to "soft light", next create a new shape layer and this time exactly next to the other line (to the right) draw a black line, it will look something like the pic opposite. Keep doing this (each line on a new layer) so that its equally divided your menu bar up. Then you can add your text.

Try this, once you add your text set the text layer to blend mode overlay for a nice cool effect. Hope all was well for you! :) You can also go to Edit>Transform>Perspective and add some cool perspective to your circle of dots.
This tutorial was brought to you by Robouk, please post any questions in the forum. Thank you.